Media Center

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California advocacy and California climate change policy, natural climate solutions

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Midwestern regional issues

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Energy efficiency and decarbonization, buildings, food and agriculture

Mark Drajem
Power sector, transportation and vehicles, renewable energy, nuclear power

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+86 10 5927 0688
China-based climate, energy and wildlife

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International issues, green finance, climate adaptation, LNG, air policy

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Water, Canada, toxics

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Environmental justice and Chicago-based environmental issues

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Industrial and emerging energy policy, hydrogen, energy transmission/RTOs, renewables and siting

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Lands, oceans, wildlife

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Western regional issues

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Eastern regional issues

Viewing 141 - 160 of 169

VW Settlement Will Clean Up Pollution and Help Expand Market for EVs

Press Release
WASHINGTON (June 28, 2016) – In a settlement agreement announced today, Volkswagen agreed to pay up to $10 billion to remove polluting vehicles from the road, $2.7 billion to remedy pollution, and $2 billion to invest in zero-emission vehicle infrastructure…

New Report: Utilities Can Supercharge the EV Market

Press Release
SAN FRANCISCO — America’s utilities are uniquely positioned to supercharge the national electric vehicles market by spurring a rapid deployment of charging stations, increasing public awareness of EVs’ economic and environmental benefits, and incentivizing drivers to charge cars at times…

Mexico Should Adopt Overdue Heavy-Duty Vehicle Emissions Standards

Press Release
WASHINGTON (March 29, 2016) – Leading U.S. and Mexico clean air and health advocates today urged the Mexican government to stand up to polluters and finalize long-delayed heavy-duty vehicle emissions standards, critically needed to address the country’s harmful air pollution…

Obama Budget Sets Priorities to Continue Progress

Press Release
WASHINGTON (February 9, 2016) – President Obama today submitted a budget proposal that would double funding for clean energy research, create a $1.65 billion fund for infrastructure projects to lessen the impacts wrought by climate change, impose a $10-per-barrel tax…

GOP Leaders Pack Anti-Environment Riders into Spending Bill

Press Release
WASHINGTON (July 7, 2015) – Congressional Republicans have been working to add an array of anti-environment riders to the $30.17 billion fiscal year 2016 Interior and Environment appropriations bill, which already included a 9 percent cut to the Environmental Protection…

Health and Environmental Safeguards Under Attack by GOP Leadership

Press Release
WASHINGTON (June 18, 2015) – Congressional Republican leaders are adding numerous anti-environmental measures to must-pass appropriations bills and moving them through the House and a key Senate committee this week, despite a presidential veto threat and support for health and…

NRDC Statement on Mayor de Blasio’s First Sustainability Plan

Press ReleaseNew York
NEW YORK (April 22, 2015) – Mayor Bill de Blasio’s administration today released its first-ever sustainability plan for New York City, One New York: The Plan for A Strong and Just City (OneNYC). The plan builds and expands on former…

Oregon Advances Climate Leadership with Clean Fuels Program

Press Release
SALEM, OR (March 11, 2015) – Governor Kate Brown signed into law today Senate Bill 324 extending Oregon’s Clean Fuels Standard. The standard requires the oil industry to cut carbon pollution from transportation fuels by 10% over the next ten…

NRDC Airline Scorecard: First-ever ranking of Airline Biofuel Use

Press Release
SAN FRANCISCO (February 3, 2015) – Air travel emits more than 650 million metric tons of carbon pollution annually – equivalent to the pollution from 136 million cars– making the increased use of sustainable biofuels a critical to reducing the…