Fossil Fuel Industry Stalls Illinois’ Most Comprehensive and Equitable Clean Energy Legislation

SPRINGFIELD, IL – Fossil fuel interests stalled the most comprehensive clean energy package in Illinois’ history. Negotiations continue as legislators push to save Governor Pritzker’s comprehensive energy bill, which would transition the state to 100 percent carbon-free electricity by 2045.

The energy bill would have also dedicated substantial resources to clean energy contractors of color and communities transitioning away from fossil fuel plants.  

The following is a reaction from J.C. Kibbey, Illinois clean energy advocate for NRDC (Natural Resources Defense Council): 

“Nobody wins when Illinois' energy reforms stall  – except the fossil fuel industry. The status quo only works for them – and everyone else pays dearly in the form of health impacts, a worsening climate crisis, and higher electricity bills. Illinois is poised to become a national leader in the new and booming clean energy economy, but this ambitious legislation was deliberately stalled for the second time in an attempt to squeeze profits from Illinoisans and maintain an unjust status quo.”

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