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+86 10 5927 0688
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Eastern regional issues

Viewing 581 - 600 of 679

Congress Shouldn’t Waste More Time on Keystone XL

Press Release
WASHINGTON (March 4, 2015) – The Senate today failed, as expected, to override President Obama’s veto of a congressional bill forcing approval of the proposed Keystone XL tar sands pipeline.

NRDC Sues EPA to Force Action on Monarch Butterflies

Press Release
WASHINGTON (February 27, 2015)—The Natural Resources Defense Council today accused the Environmental Protection Agency of dragging its feet on efforts to save the imperiled monarch butterfly and filed suit to force the agency to act.

New Study: Rapid Ocean Acidification Threatens Coastal Economies in 15 States

Press ReleaseNew York
NEW YORK (February 23, 2015) – The first nationwide vulnerability assessment for ocean acidification, published today in Nature Climate Change, shows that coastal communities in 15 states that depend on the nation’s approximately $1 billion shelled mollusk (e.g., oysters and…

Praising Pullman: NRDC Supports New National Monument Designations

Press Release
CHICAGO (February 18, 2015) – President Obama will be in Chicago tomorrow to sign an order designating the city’s Pullman District as a national monument. He is also expected to announce two other new monuments, Browns Canyon in Colorado and…

Atlantic Ocean Council Fails to Protect East Coast Coral Canyons

Press ReleaseNew York
NEW YORK (February 11, 2015) — The Mid-Atlantic Fishery Management Council today postponed a vote on a protection plan for rare, ecologically-important and highly vulnerable deep sea coral communities off the region’s coast. The Council manages U.S. fisheries resources in…

Groups Go To Court to Protect Blueback Herring from Extinction

Press Release
Washington, D.C. – The Natural Resources Defense Council (NRDC) and a coalition of fishing and watershed protection groups filed a complaint today in federal court seeking to reverse a decision by the National Marine Fisheries Service (NMFS) not to list…

Green Leaders Urge President to Ban Bee-Killing Insecticides

Press Release
WASHINGTON (February 5, 2015) — Top officials of leading environmental groups representing millions of Americans today urged President Obama to take strong and swift action against neonicotinoid insecticides that are devastating honey bee and wild bee populations, threatening the nation’s…

Illinois Tollways to Become Butterfly Highways

Press Release
CHICAGO (January 29, 2015) – Today, the Illinois Tollway Authority agreed to work with the Natural Resources Defense Council to create a monarch butterfly restoration program that would plant milkweed along the agency’s 286 miles of roadways. The plant is…

Monarch Butterfly Numbers Show Migration Still at Grave Risk, Despite Uptick

Press Release
WASHINGTON (January 27, 2015)—The low number of migrating monarch butterflies returning to their Mexican refuge shows that the migration remains under grave threat, even though the figures announced today are higher than last year’s, according to the Natural Resources Defense…