Media Center

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California advocacy and California climate change policy, natural climate solutions

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Midwestern regional issues

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Energy efficiency and decarbonization, buildings, food and agriculture

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Power sector, transportation and vehicles, renewable energy, nuclear power

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+86 10 5927 0688
China-based climate, energy and wildlife

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International issues, green finance, climate adaptation, LNG, air policy

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Water, Canada, toxics

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Environmental justice and Chicago-based environmental issues

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Industrial and emerging energy policy, hydrogen, energy transmission/RTOs, renewables and siting

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Lands, oceans, wildlife

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Western regional issues

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Eastern regional issues

Viewing 601 - 620 of 679

Scientific Review Supports New Clean Water Protections

Press Release
WASHINGTON (January 15, 2015)— A new scientific report showing that small streams and wetlands can affect downstream water quality and help supply drinking water to millions of Americans is further evidence that these water bodies need protection from pollution, the…

EPA Coal Ash Rule Fails to Protect Public Health and Waterways

Press Release
WASHINGTON (December 19, 2014)—The Environmental Protection Agency’s long-awaited rule on disposal of toxic ash from coal-burning power plants falls far short of what’s needed to protect the public and our waterways from the millions of tons of dangerous sludge that…

Environmentalists Sue to Protect Water Quality

Press Release
WASHINGTON (December 19, 2014)— The Natural Resources Defense Council (NRDC) and the Environmental Defense Center (EDC) today announced they have sued the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) to strengthen standards to prevent pollution from stormwater, one of the nation’s most widespread…

NRDC Lauds Obama Drilling Ban in Alaska’s Spectacular Bristol Bay

Press Release
WASHINGTON (December 16, 2014)—The Natural Resources Defense Council today welcomed the decision by President Obama to withdraw permanently Alaska’s Bristol Bay from offshore oil development. Bristol Bay supports the world’s largest salmon fishery, worth $1.5 billion per year, and is…

House GOP Continues Its Anti-Science Campaign

Press Release
WASHINGTON (November 19, 2014)—House Republicans continued their attack on science-based protections for public health and the environment today, passing on a largely party-line vote a bill that would bar the Environmental Protection Agency from using certain peer-reviewed health research when…

Additional Opportunity to Provide Input on Critical Clean Water Proposal

Press Release
WASHINGTON (October 6, 2014)—The Environmental Protection Agency and the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers today extended for a second time, until November 14, the public comment period on the proposed Clean Water Protection rule, which would restore Clean Water Act…

Expanded Pacific Marine Reserve Protects Critically Important Sea Life

Press Release
President Obama will expand the Pacific Remote Islands National Marine Monument, southwest of Hawaii, putting under protection large new areas of ocean with some of the richest and most diverse sea life on the planet. The original 83,000-square mile monument…