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+86 10 5927 0688
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Eastern regional issues

Viewing 41 - 60 of 641

EPA Aims $27 Billion Climate Fund Toward Disadvantaged Communities

Press ReleaseUnited States
WASHINGTON, D.C. – In a significant step forward implementing the portion of the Inflation Reduction Act devoted to spending, the Environmental Protection Agency is issuing guidance today on its Greenhouse Gas Reduction Fund (GHGRF), announcing it will hold two grant…

Building on the Strong State of Climate Investments

Press ReleaseUnited States
WASHINGTON, D.C. – President Biden highlighted last year’s historic climate legislation, clean energy investments and efforts to replace lead water lines during his State of the Union address tonight.

Approval of Scoping Plan Paves Way to Bold Climate Action

Press ReleaseNew York
ALBANY, NY – Today New York’s Climate Action Council voted on a final iteration of the Scoping Plan containing its recommendations for implementing the state’s landmark 2019 Climate Leadership and Community Protection Act. The Act tasked the Council with developing…

California PUC Finalizes Solar Net Metering Decision

Press ReleaseCalifornia
SAN FRANCISCO – The California Public Utilities Commission issued its final decision for Net Billing Tariff today, which establishes the state’s approach to solar rooftop and storage incentives and rates for the next five years.

North Carolina Real Estate Commission Petitioned to Disclose Flood History

Press ReleaseNorth Carolina
CHAPEL HILL, NC —The Southern Environmental Law Center today petitioned the North Carolina Real Estate Commission to require sellers to disclose to potential buyers information about past flood damages on behalf of NRDC (Natural Resources Defense Council), North Carolina Justice Center…

COP27: President Biden Boosts Climate Action Globally

Press ReleaseInternational
President Biden continued reasserting U.S. climate leadership as he addressed the global community at the COP27 international climate talks today, pledging to increase U.S. support for domestic and international efforts to address the climate crisis.

NRDC Releases Results of Joint GE Study on Interregional Transmission

Press ReleaseUnited States
NEW YORK - NRDC (Natural Resources Defense Council) released a new study underscoring the net economic, reliability, and resilience benefits of policies that facilitate power-sharing across regions and markets. The study, conducted by GE Energy Consulting, demonstrated that increased sharing…

NYC Climate Week Panel Focused on Climate-Friendly Buildings

Press ReleaseNew York City
NEW YORK, NY – During NYC Climate Week, dozens of New Yorkers attended “Efficiency + Electrification + Affordability: The Recipe for Equitable, Climate-friendly Buildings”. The event included an expert panel that discussed how New York State can lead the way…