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Midwestern regional issues

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Energy efficiency and decarbonization, buildings, food and agriculture

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Power sector, transportation and vehicles, renewable energy, nuclear power

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+86 10 5927 0688
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Western regional issues

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Eastern regional issues

Viewing 61 - 80 of 636

California PUC Finalizes Solar Net Metering Decision

Press ReleaseCalifornia
SAN FRANCISCO – The California Public Utilities Commission issued its final decision for Net Billing Tariff today, which establishes the state’s approach to solar rooftop and storage incentives and rates for the next five years.

Poll: Access to Safe Drinking Water Is a Top Priority Across America

Press ReleaseUnited States
Safe drinking water is a top concern nationwide, according to a new poll released today by NRDC (Natural Resources Defense Council), with most respondents indicating that lead pipes in drinking water systems are either a crisis or a major problem.

NRDC Releases Results of Joint GE Study on Interregional Transmission

Press ReleaseUnited States
NEW YORK - NRDC (Natural Resources Defense Council) released a new study underscoring the net economic, reliability, and resilience benefits of policies that facilitate power-sharing across regions and markets. The study, conducted by GE Energy Consulting, demonstrated that increased sharing…

NYC Climate Week Panel Focused on Climate-Friendly Buildings

Press ReleaseNew York City
NEW YORK, NY – During NYC Climate Week, dozens of New Yorkers attended “Efficiency + Electrification + Affordability: The Recipe for Equitable, Climate-friendly Buildings”. The event included an expert panel that discussed how New York State can lead the way…

NRDC Statement on Passage of CA Diablo Canyon Extension Bill

Press ReleaseCalifornia
SACRAMENTO – The California Legislature sent Senate Bill 846, the Diablo Canyon powerplant: extension of operations bill (Sen Bill Dodd D-3,) to the governor’s desk. NRDC, along with Friends of the Earth and Environment California were lead signatories of the 2016…

Analysis of Midwest Grid Operator Concludes Best Practices Being Followed

Press ReleaseMidwest
In the wake of the largest investment in transmission lines in US history, an analysis of the Midcontinent Independent System Operator’s (MISO) recently approved regional transmission lines finds that this investment benefits customers even more than MISO estimated.

NRDC President: The Senate Just Made Climate History

Press ReleaseUnited States
WASHINGTON —The U.S. Senate today passed the Inflation Reduction Act of 2022, which includes about $369 billion in new climate, energy and community investments. Once implemented, it will allow the nation to cut greenhouse gas emissions by up to 40…