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+86 10 5927 0688
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Eastern regional issues

Viewing 81 - 100 of 636

Biden Must Build on Climate Action Momentum

Press ReleaseUnited States
WASHINGTON, D.C. - President Biden announced a suite of measures today aimed at advancing offshore wind power and protecting workers and communities from extreme heat and other climate risks.

FERC Moves to Get More Clean Energy on the Grid

Press ReleaseUnited States
WASHINGTON – The Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) unanimously proposed new rules today that will help get more solar, wind and storage connected to electric grids nationwide.

NRDC Policy Brief: Ensuring Grid Reliability

Press ReleaseUnited States
WASHINGTON, D.C. – With much of the nation enduring record heat and strains on the electricity grid, a new report today from NRDC (Natural Resources Defense Council) highlights the investments needed to ensure our electricity system is ready for the…

NRDC, UAW Sue USPS Over Truck Purchase Plan

Press ReleaseUnited States
WASHINGTON, D.C. – NRDC (Natural Resources Defense Council) and the United Auto Workers (UAW) sued the U.S. Postal Service today over its plan to buy tens of thousands of polluting trucks for its fleet rather than cleaner electric vehicles.

Community Solar Bill Clears First Legislative Hurdle

Press ReleaseCalifornia
SACRAMENTO – A bill to increase access to renewable energy for more Californians, such as through community solar with storage, passed through the Assembly Utilities and Energy committee today. If passed, the bill will provide clean energy access and bill…

FERC Takes Key Step to Build Out the Electric Grid

Press ReleaseUnited States
WASHINGTON, D.C. – The Federal Energy Regulatory Commission approved a proposal today for how the nation’s transmission system can meet the rapidly changing needs of the 21st century. These much-needed improvements would come as our outdated power grid has become…

Public Service Commission Approves Two Milestone Climate Initiatives

Press ReleaseNew York
ALBANY, NY -- Today the New York Public Service Commission approved a program called Tier 4, which will facilitate the delivery of approximately 3,000 megawatts of clean energy to the nearly 9 million people living in the NYC-metro area. Upon…