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+86 10 5927 0688
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Viewing 141 - 160 of 636

COP26: Move to Clean Vehicles Surges, Boosting Jobs & Climate Action

Press ReleaseInternational
GLASGOW, SCOTLAND – At COP26 today, six major automakers — among them Ford, Mercedes-Benz, General Motors and Volvo — and 30 national governments, including Canada, the UK, India and Mexico, committed to 100 percent sales of electric vehicles by 2040…

Michigan Governor Whitmer Issues Order for Safe Drinking Water

Press ReleaseMichigan
LANSING, MI ­– To ensure every Michigan community has access to safe drinking water, today Governor Whitmer issued a multi-pronged directive to strengthen the state’s rules, regulations, and policies. The state is providing free bottled water to Benton Harbor, Michigan…

NRDC President: At COP26 Biden Launches Assertive Climate Plan

Press ReleaseUnited States, International
WASHINGTON – President Biden rolled out a broad package of U.S. climate action before leaders gathered for global climate talks in Glasgow, Scotland, saying the forum must kick off “a decade of ambition and innovation to preserve our shared future.”…

NRDC President: Historic Climate Progress Must be Enacted

Press ReleaseUnited States
WASHINGTON – White House and congressional negotiators agreed to a framework for the budget reconciliation package that will pair with bipartisan infrastructure legislation to enact the core of President Biden’s Build Back Better agenda.

Colorado Energy Office Report a Green Light for Clean Trucks

Press ReleaseColorado
DENVER — The Colorado Energy Office released a report prepared by MJ Bradley & Associates showing that adopting two new policies to get clean trucks on the road can save Coloradans up to $20.4 billion over the next 30 years…

Governor Cooper Must Sign Revised Energy Bill

Press ReleaseNorth Carolina
RALEIGH, NC -- The North Carolina General Assembly has passed HB951, a bill that was previously a give-away to Duke Energy and the fracked gas industry, but has since undergone intense revisions. If signed, the bill would codify parts of…

PJM Reverses Policy Designed to Stymie Clean Energy

Press ReleaseUnited States
WASHINGTON, D.C. — In a significant victory for clean energy and customers’ pocketbooks, PJM’s proposal to minimize the controversial Minimum Offer Price Rule (MOPR), which artificially raises prices on state-supported energy resources, went into effect today. The revised rates represent…

NRDC Delivers Comments to EPA Urging Strong Car Standards

Press ReleaseUnited States
WASHINGTON – NRDC President Manish Bapna and leaders from other public interest groups met with EPA Administrator Michael Regan today to deliver tens of thousands of public comments urging the agency to enact strong clean car standards.

Biden Pledges to Double U.S. International Climate Finance

Press ReleaseUnited States
WASHINGTON – At the United Nations today, President Biden announced that the United States will double its contribution to international climate finance as a part of the Paris agreement effort to help developing countries reduce climate emissions and adapt to…