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Midwestern regional issues

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Energy efficiency and decarbonization, buildings, food and agriculture

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Power sector, transportation and vehicles, renewable energy, nuclear power

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+86 10 5927 0688
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Western regional issues

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Eastern regional issues

Viewing 81 - 100 of 351

New Report Shows Benefits of Clean Cars in Nevada

Press ReleaseNevada
RENO — A report released today shows that Nevada can reduce greenhouse gas emissions by up to 10.8 million metric tons and avoid more than 900 tons of health-threatening pollutants every year by 2050 by getting more Nevadans driving clean…

New York City to Phase-Out New Fossil Fuel Connections

Press ReleaseNew York
As part of the State of the City address, Mayor Bill de Blasio announced that beginning this year, New York City will phase-out fossil fuel connections in new construction by 2030. The City will establish intermediate goals in the short-term…

EPA Finalizes Rule That Would Censor Science

Press Release
WASHINGTON – Bowing to the whims of coal barons, the nuclear industry, and chemical companies, the Trump administration is announcing a final rule today that would severely restrict the use of peer-reviewed science in setting pollution and toxic chemical limits.

NRDC CEO & President Gina McCarthy to Join Biden Administration

Press Release
NEW YORK – NRDC President & CEO Gina McCarthy has been hand-picked by President-elect Joe Biden to become the nation’s first-ever National Climate Advisor. This senior White House position, reporting directly to the president, will head the newly formed White…

New Report Backs Bold NV Climate Strategy

Press Release
RENO — The State of Nevada Climate Initiative released a State Climate Strategy today. The release of the Climate Strategy follows a broad and inclusive stakeholder process and comes a few weeks after the release of a separate report published…

Biden Picks Mark “Clear Return to U.S. Climate Leadership”

Press Release
WASHINGTON - President-Elect Joe Biden will name former Secretary of State John Kerry to oversee the administration’s international climate change policies; former Deputy Secretary of State Antony Blinken to become Secretary of State; and senior foreign service officer Linda Thomas-Greenfield…

NRDC Mourns the Passing of Cecil Corbin-Mark

Press Release
NEW YORK – The passing of Cecil Corbin-Mark, environmental justice advocate and Deputy Director and Director of Policy Initiatives at WE ACT for Environmental Justice, is a huge loss for New York and the environmental movement.