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+86 10 5927 0688
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Viewing 121 - 140 of 404

NRC Moves to Issue Weak Uranium Mining Rules

Press Release
WASHINGTON – The Nuclear Regulatory Commission took action yesterday to start work on a rulemaking that could prevent a future Environmental Protection Agency from ending the wanton contamination of groundwater across the Mountain West generated by uranium mining.

NRDC Mourns the Passing of Cecil Corbin-Mark

Press Release
NEW YORK – The passing of Cecil Corbin-Mark, environmental justice advocate and Deputy Director and Director of Policy Initiatives at WE ACT for Environmental Justice, is a huge loss for New York and the environmental movement.

New York States Moves 70 x 30 Climate Goal Forward

Press ReleaseNew York
ALBANY, N.Y. – The New York State Public Service Commission today issued an order that implements a key component of the nation-leading Climate Leadership and Community Protection Act (CLPA) – obtaining 70 percent of New York’s electricity from clean energy…

Governor Newsom Announces Executive Order to Address Biodiversity Crisis

Press ReleaseCalifornia
Sacramento - Governor Gavin Newsom issued an executive order announcing new actions in the fight against climate change and to protect biodiversity. The Executive Order includes a statewide “30 by 30” conservation goal, which was the focus of Assembly bill…

Trump Prioritizes Dirty Mining Under False Pretext

Press Release
WASHINGTON – The Trump administration issued an executive order to fast-track dirty mining projects – projects that pose enormous risks to critical water resources, pristine public lands, and communities around our nation. While it offered the pretext of national security…

New Report: Equitable Pathways to Meet Colorado's Climate Goals

Press Release
DENVER — A new report released today shows how Colorado can reach its ambitious climate goals in a way that cuts dangerous pollution, particularly in communities disproportionately impacted by air pollution. The findings highlight the need for swiftly powering the…

Governor Newsom Announces a Suite of Climate Actions

Press ReleaseCalifornia
Sacramento – Governor Gavin Newsom announced that the State of California will ensure 100 percent electric passenger vehicles by 2035, as well as a host of additional actions.

EPA’s Policy of Ignoring Pollution Comes to an End

Press Release
WASHINGTON – Today marks the end of an Environmental Protection Agency non-enforcement policy that gave industries permission to stop monitoring and reporting pollution for reasons related to COVID-19—with no requirement to notify EPA or the public. This unnecessary policy put…

EPA Gives Uranium Miners Free Pass to Pollute

Press Release
WASHINGTON – The Environmental Protection Agency signed away its authority to regulate water pollution from uranium mining today, providing a gift to the destructive and unregulated industry at the cost of water quality across the Mountain West.

Pipeline Backers Face More Obstacles Despite Court Win

Press Release
WASHINGTON –The U.S. Supreme Court issued a decision today with respect to management of the Appalachian Trail for a crossing of the Atlantic Coast Pipeline, but the fracked gas pipeline still faces many obstacles due to its threats to the…

NJ Adopts Major Energy Efficiency Framework

Press Release
TRENTON, N.J. – The New Jersey Board of Public Utilities (BPU) today released the final implementation order for its “Energy Efficiency and Peak Demand Reduction” programs, which will put the state on a pathway to achieve its 2050 climate and…

EPA Slashes State and Tribal Clean Water Rights

Press Release
WASHINGTON – The Environmental Protection Agency issued a regulation today that undermines states’ and tribes’ authority to protect clean water within their borders, a change that would help fossil-fuel companies and developers to the detriment of the rest of us.

Trump Administration Sued for Gutting Clean Car Standards

Press Release
WASHINGTON – Environmental advocates filed lawsuits today in federal court against the Trump administration for its illegal rollback of clean car and fuel economy standards. The administration’s rule is based on massive technical and economic errors – and fails to…

Court Derails Trump Administration’s Efforts to Take More Water from Bay-Delta

Press ReleaseCalifornia
SACRAMENTO – The Federal Court for the Eastern District of California granted in part a preliminary injunction yesterday against the Trump Administration’s efforts to increase water diversions from California’s Bay-Delta, which threaten endangered species including winter-run Chinook salmon, Delta Smelt…