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+86 10 5927 0688
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Viewing 241 - 260 of 504

Protecting Lands is Urgent Step in Climate Action

Press Release
WASHINGTON - A Special Report on Lands and Climate Change released today by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) underscores both the fierce urgency to take action and the opportunities ahead when it comes to land-use decisions.

Trump’s Dirty Power Plan Will Aggravate the Climate Crisis

Press Release
WASHINGTON - The Trump Administration’s plan purporting to deal with climate change, finalized today by the Environmental Protection Agency, is a Trojan Horse that would seriously set back the nation’s fight to avert a planetary disaster.

New Analysis: U.S. Power Sector Continues March Away from Coal

Press Release
BOSTON - The U.S. power sector continues transitioning away from coal and toward zero-carbon energy resources, as the largest electricity producers continue to reduce air pollutant emissions and their corresponding contributions to climate change, according to a new analysis released…

New Jersey Rejects Williams Pipeline

Press Release
TRENTON, N.J. — Governor Phil Murphy’s administration yesterday rejected the Northeast Supply Enhancement Project (NESE), or Williams Pipeline, dealing a significant roadblock to its development.

New York Power Plants to be Coal-Free by 2020

Press Release
ALBANY, N.Y. – Governor Andrew Cuomo announced the adoption of final regulations to make New York coal-free by the end of 2020. The newly issued regulations require all power plants in the state to meet stringent emissions limits for carbon…

GOP Leadership Has No Plan for Climate Action

Press Release
WASHINGTON - The Senate is voting on the Green New Deal resolution proposed by Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-NY) and Sen. Ed Markey (D-Ma.) to combat climate change.

Trump’s EPA Shows Clean Car Standards Work

Press Release
WASHINGTON - The Environmental Protection Agency today released a report showing that automakers continue to improve the fuel economy of their vehicles and cut the harmful carbon pollution coming from tailpipes.

Wheeler’s Record on Protecting Public Health Is Abysmal

Press Release
The Senate today is moving to confirm former coal lobbyist Andrew Wheeler to be administrator of the Environmental Protection Agency, replacing Scott Pruitt who resigned last year under a cloud of ethics breaches.

Governor Murphy Calls for Full Fracking Ban in Delaware River Basin

Press Release
Trenton, N.J. – In a letter sent to the Delaware River Basin Commission (DRBC) Executive Director, New Jersey Governor Phil Murphy announced he will vote in support of a permanent ban on fracking and its associated activities, including the treatment…