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+86 10 5927 0688
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Viewing 141 - 160 of 290

Top House Democrats Vow ‘’Bold’’ Plan to Combat Climate Change

Press Release
WASHINGTON - Top House Democrats—led by chairman Frank Pallone of the Energy and Commerce Committee, chairman Paul Tonko of the Environment and Climate Change Subcommittee, and chairman Bobby Rush of the Energy Subcommittee—today vowed to enact a “bold” plan to…

Oregon must act on climate in 2019

Press Release
SALEM, OREGON — At a Monday press conference, Oregon Governor Kate Brown committed to continue pursuing climate action after the state legislature failed to vote on its climate bill.

Trump’s Dirty Power Plan Will Aggravate the Climate Crisis

Press Release
WASHINGTON - The Trump Administration’s plan purporting to deal with climate change, finalized today by the Environmental Protection Agency, is a Trojan Horse that would seriously set back the nation’s fight to avert a planetary disaster.

NAFTA Rewrite Must Include Climate Pledge

Press Release
WASHINGTON - The Natural Resources Defense Council today told Congress that it should withhold a vote for the reworked North American Free Trade Agreement unless it is amended to include a pledge that each of the three nations will adhere…

NRDC on WaterFix Announcement: “Successful End of Fight”

Press ReleaseCalifornia
Sacramento, CA– The State of California announced the withdrawal of permits and applications for the California WaterFix Project, the proposal to construct two massive tunnels under the Delta that would cost tens of billions of dollars and divert even more…

House Strikes a Blow Against Climate Threats

Press Release
WASHINGTON – The House approved today the Climate Action Now Act, which declares the United States will keep its commitments under the landmark Paris Agreement to curb climate change. This is the first vote in a decade by Congress to…

Virginia Advances Climate Action, but Snags Remain

Press Release
WASHINGTON - The Virginia Air Pollution Control Board today finalized a groundbreaking climate plan to reduce carbon pollution from Virginia’s power plants three percent annually over the next decade. The plan also allows power plants to participate in the Regional…

Federal Court Directs EPA to Uphold Clean Water Act in Baltimore

Press Release
WASHINGTON – A federal judge in Maryland has ruled that the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) violated the Clean Water Act by wrongfully denying a petition by the Natural Resources Defense Council (NRDC), Blue Water Baltimore, and American Rivers to…

GOP Leadership Has No Plan for Climate Action

Press Release
WASHINGTON - The Senate is voting on the Green New Deal resolution proposed by Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-NY) and Sen. Ed Markey (D-Ma.) to combat climate change.

Wheeler’s Record on Protecting Public Health Is Abysmal

Press Release
The Senate today is moving to confirm former coal lobbyist Andrew Wheeler to be administrator of the Environmental Protection Agency, replacing Scott Pruitt who resigned last year under a cloud of ethics breaches.

Wheeler Should Not be Promoted at EPA

Press Release
WASHINGTON - The Senate Committee on Environment and Public Works is holding a confirmation hearing today on the nomination of Andrew Wheeler to be administrator of the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency. The former coal lobbyist has been acting administrator since…

Wheeler’s Acts to Protect Polluters Shouldn’t be Rewarded

Press Release
WASHINGTON – President Trump today nominated Andrew Wheeler to be administrator of the Environmental Protection Agency. The former coal lobbyist has been acting administrator since former EPA chief Scott Pruitt resigned under an ethical cloud last July.