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+86 10 5927 0688
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Viewing 121 - 140 of 229

Pruitt Moves to End Protections from Waste Dumping

Press Release
WASHINGTON - In his latest attempt to save his job, Environmental Protection Agency Administrator Scott Pruitt announced efforts today to limit EPA’s ability to stop highly destructive activities such as mountaintop-removal coal mining from destroying streams, estuaries or other rich…

Dominion Plans to Shut One of Largest U.S. Biomass Plants

Press Release
WASHINGTON - Dominion Energy said it intends to shutter one of the largest wood-burning power plants in the U.S., underscoring the increasing competitiveness of wind and solar power in our nation’s energy mix.

Infrastructure Lags from Paltry Funding, Not Environmental Review

Press Release
WASHINGTON – With President Trump expected to tout an infrastructure plan in his State of the Union address, Scott Slesinger, legislative director for the Natural Resources Defense Council, told Congress in written testimony today it is systematic underfunding of transportation…

NRDC, Partners Sue Trump to Block Revocation of Bears Ears Monument

Press Release
WASHINGTON - The Natural Resources Defense Council and the Southern Utah Wilderness Alliance—together with Earthjustice on behalf of nine other groups—today filed a lawsuit to block the Trump administration from revoking Utah’s Bears Ears National Monument

GOP’s Tax Scam Raids America’s Last Wildland

Press Release
WASHINGTON – Congress has passed a $1.5 trillion package of tax cuts for corporations and the wealthy that opens the way for oil exploration and drilling in the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge—America’s last truly wild place.

GOP Tax Fraud Robs Our Kids and Raids Our Lands

Press Release
WASHINGTON - Congress is expected to vote as early as Tuesday on a $1.5-trillion package of tax cuts, mostly for corporations and wealthy individuals, that would saddle our children with unconscionable debt and expose irreplaceable Arctic wilderness to industrial ruin…

Trump, Zinke Escalate War on Our Monuments

Press Release
WASHINGTON - Interior Secretary Ryan Zinke released a long-withheld report on national monuments today, in which he called for President Trump to roll back protections for some of the nation’s most cherished public lands and waters. Zinke recommended opening the…

NRDC, Groups Sue to Block Trump Action on Grand Staircase

Press Release
WASHINGTON – The Natural Resources Defense Council and partners have filed a lawsuit in federal court here challenging President Trump’s proclamation abolishing Grand Staircase-Escalante National monument.

Trump to Issue Orders Ripping Apart Utah National Monuments

Press Release
WASHINGTON - President Trump is set to issue orders from Salt Lake City today abolishing Utah’s Bears Ears and Grand Staircase-Escalante national monuments, two of the nation’s most treasured public lands. The move would strip essential protections from more than…

No Route Is Safe for Keystone XL Tar Sands Pipeline

Press Release
The Nebraska Public Service Commission today approved an alternate route for the proposed controversial Keystone XL tar sands pipeline through Nebraska that will require significant additional examination and analysis.