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+86 10 5927 0688
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Viewing 81 - 100 of 184

Trump Administration Guts Offshore Drilling Safety Standards

Press Release
WASHINGTON – The Trump administration today is significantly weakening offshore drilling regulations known as the “well control rule.” In a symbolic gesture reflecting its overly familiar relationship with industry in these efforts, the Department of Interior is expected to make…

NRDC Celebrates 30 Years of Environmental Victories in Southern California

Press Release
LOS ANGELES – This month, NRDC’s Los Angeles office celebrates 30 years of protecting Southern California’s natural habitats, communities, and resources. California has been at the vanguard of environmental policy for decades, passing first-of-its-kind policies that have served as models…

Groups seek court order blocking Atlantic Seismic Blasting

Press Release
Charleston, SC — A group of conservation organizations today asked a federal judge to block the start of harmful seismic airgun blasting in the Atlantic Ocean until the case can be fully heard in court.

Trump to Move to Increase Water Pollution

Press Release
WASHINGTON - The Trump Administration will propose today to gut key safeguards in the Clean Water Act. The Environmental Protection Agency and Army Corps of Engineers are set to issue a proposed rule that would exempt oil drillers, industrial sites…

Canada Urged to Expand Fisheries Closures to Save North Atlantic Right Whale

Press Release
OTTAWA— Wildlife and animal-protection groups submitted recommendations today urging Canada’s fishery management agency to continue and expand protections for critically imperiled North Atlantic right whales. Following an unprecedented 12 right whale deaths in Canadian waters in 2017, Fisheries and Oceans…

Court Orders Seafood Import Ban to Save Mexico’s Vaquita Porpoise

Press Release
NEW YORK— Responding to a lawsuit filed by conservation groups, the U.S. Court of International Trade today ordered the Trump administration to ban seafood imports from Mexico caught with gillnets that kill the critically endangered vaquita porpoise. As few as…

Pruitt Moves to End Protections from Waste Dumping

Press Release
WASHINGTON - In his latest attempt to save his job, Environmental Protection Agency Administrator Scott Pruitt announced efforts today to limit EPA’s ability to stop highly destructive activities such as mountaintop-removal coal mining from destroying streams, estuaries or other rich…

EPA’s Science Advisers Question Pruitt’s Plan to Censor Science

Press Release
WASHINGTON - Following a flood of criticisms from the public, the Environmental Protection Agency’s Scientific Advisory Board said today that it should review Scott Pruitt’s plan on “secret science.” The decision follows a detailed critique of Pruitt’s proposal from a…