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+86 10 5927 0688
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Viewing 121 - 140 of 327

House Panel Unveils Bold Climate Plan

Press Release
The House of Representatives’ Select Committee on Climate Crisis, Chaired by Rep. Kathy Castor, today unveiled its bold plan to address climate change. It comes the same week the House is voting on the Moving Forward Act, a landmark infrastructure…

Senate Funds Lands, Waters with Bipartisan Support

Press Release
WASHINGTON – The Senate is poised to pass the Great American Outdoors Act today, which will provide permanent funding for the Land and Water Conservation Fund, something NRDC has long called for. The House is expected to pass the measure…

EPA Slashes State and Tribal Clean Water Rights

Press Release
WASHINGTON – The Environmental Protection Agency issued a regulation today that undermines states’ and tribes’ authority to protect clean water within their borders, a change that would help fossil-fuel companies and developers to the detriment of the rest of us.

NRDC Statement on Impact of CA Budget Cuts on Climate Programs

Press ReleaseCalifornia
Sacramento - Governor Gavin Newsom announced significant revisions today to his state budget proposal amid the coronavirus pandemic. Facing an estimated $54 billion budget deficit, the governor outlined a series of proposals to close the gap by cutting spending, drawing…

L.A. City Council Members Aim to Prevent Amazon Deforestation

Press ReleaseCalifornia
LOS ANGELES – Los Angeles City Councilmembers Paul Koretz (5th District) and David Ryu (4th District) presented a motion today to put an end to City purchases of products derived from the deforestation of the Amazon Rainforest. The Councilmembers further…

Trump Administration Formalizes Plans to Degrade Utah Monuments

Press Release
WASHINGTON – The Bureau of Land Management today finalized its plans to open Bears Ears and Grand Staircase-Escalante National Monuments in Utah to drilling and other extractive activity. The Trump administration tried to gut these two monuments in December 2017.

Gov. Wolf Affirms Support for RGGI in 2020-21 Budget Address

Press Release
HARRISBURG, P.A. – Governor Tom Wolf today unveiled his proposed 2020-21 fiscal year budget agenda, laying out key priorities for Pennsylvania and doubling down on his commitment to joining the Regional Greenhouse Gas Initiative (RGGI).

NRDC’s Gina McCarthy on President Trump’s Dirty Water Rule

Press Release
WASHINGTON - The Trump administration is set to issue rules that would gut critical safeguards in the Clean Water Act, upending decades of protections for streams, wetlands, lakes and rivers, according to news reports. These bodies of water filter pollution…

Mining Projects to Ride in on Trump’s NEPA Bulldozer

Press Release
WASHINGTON – Just days after the Trump administration proposed gutting a bedrock environmental law governing infrastructure projects, a new move by a federal permitting council would extend environmental fast-tracking to the mining sector—a sweeping move that will make it easier…

NRDC Report: EU Subsidies Lead to Forest Destruction

Press Release
LONDON - European nations are wasting $7 billion a year on subsidies for the burning of wood for power or heat, a notoriously dirty source of energy that the European Union has allowed to be counted as clean energy.

Clean Energy Tax Package Deserves Bipartisan Support

Press Release
WASHINGTON – The House Ways and Means Committee today released draft legislation that includes important measures to extend, expand and reform incentives for electric vehicles, energy storage, offshore and onshore wind, energy efficiency and solar power, among other items.

House Passes Public Lands Protection Bills

Press Release
WASHINGTON – The House of Representatives today passed two pieces of legislation that would offer key protection to treasured public lands.

Governor Newsom Vetoes Trump Defense Bill

Press ReleaseCalifornia
Sacramento – California Governor Gavin Newsom vetoed Senate Bill 1 the California Environmental, Public Health, and Workers Defense Act of 2019 today, after the bill passed by wide margins in both the State Senate and Assembly.