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+86 10 5927 0688
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Viewing 161 - 180 of 327

Wheeler’s Acts to Protect Polluters Shouldn’t be Rewarded

Press Release
WASHINGTON – President Trump today nominated Andrew Wheeler to be administrator of the Environmental Protection Agency. The former coal lobbyist has been acting administrator since former EPA chief Scott Pruitt resigned under an ethical cloud last July.

Trump Shutdown Imperils Important Protections

Press Release
WASHINGTON - President Donald Trump followed through on his threat to shut down the government. Shuttering the government imperils crucial protections for our air and water, for chemical safety and for public lands -- while furloughing tens of thousands of…

Trump to Move to Increase Water Pollution

Press Release
WASHINGTON - The Trump Administration will propose today to gut key safeguards in the Clean Water Act. The Environmental Protection Agency and Army Corps of Engineers are set to issue a proposed rule that would exempt oil drillers, industrial sites…

Andrew Wheeler Doesn’t Deserve Promotion at EPA

Press Release
WASHINGTON – President Trump indicated today he intends to nominate Andrew Wheeler to become administrator of the Environmental Protection Agency. Wheeler has been acting administrator since former administrator Scott Pruitt resigned amid scandal.

NRDC Sues Trump Administration Over Rollback of Methane Rule for Public Lands

Press ReleaseCalifornia
SAN FRANCISCO—The Natural Resources Defense Council and coalition of nearly 20 conservation and tribal citizen groups today sued the U.S. Bureau of Land Management over its rollback of commonsense protections that stop the unnecessary leaking of climate change-fueling and health-harming…

Congress Set To Attack American Wildlife This Week

Press Release
WASHINGTON – This week Congress will turn its attention to a series of bills that threaten to undermine the Endangered Species Act. Today, the House Natural Resources Committee is holding a legislative hearing on a suite of nine bills that…

Trump EPA’s “Dirty Power Plan” Would Boost Climate Pollution

Press Release
WASHINGTON - The Trump Environmental Protection Agency today proposed a rule giving polluters free rein by gutting the Clean Power Plan, the landmark climate initiative that set the first limits on dangerous carbon pollution from power plants.

Court Orders Seafood Import Ban to Save Mexico’s Vaquita Porpoise

Press Release
NEW YORK— Responding to a lawsuit filed by conservation groups, the U.S. Court of International Trade today ordered the Trump administration to ban seafood imports from Mexico caught with gillnets that kill the critically endangered vaquita porpoise. As few as…

Pruitt Moves to End Protections from Waste Dumping

Press Release
WASHINGTON - In his latest attempt to save his job, Environmental Protection Agency Administrator Scott Pruitt announced efforts today to limit EPA’s ability to stop highly destructive activities such as mountaintop-removal coal mining from destroying streams, estuaries or other rich…