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+86 10 5927 0688
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Viewing 141 - 160 of 372

EPA’s Policy of Ignoring Pollution Comes to an End

Press Release
WASHINGTON – Today marks the end of an Environmental Protection Agency non-enforcement policy that gave industries permission to stop monitoring and reporting pollution for reasons related to COVID-19—with no requirement to notify EPA or the public. This unnecessary policy put…

Trump Opens Arctic Refuge to Polluters

Press Release
WASHINGTON – Interior Secretary David Bernhardt today is expected to formally open the Arctic Refuge to oil and gas leasing. The agency’s Record of Decision will pave the way for fossil fuel leasing to begin in the 1.5 million-acre Coastal…

EPA Gives Uranium Miners Free Pass to Pollute

Press Release
WASHINGTON – The Environmental Protection Agency signed away its authority to regulate water pollution from uranium mining today, providing a gift to the destructive and unregulated industry at the cost of water quality across the Mountain West.

House to Enact Major Land and Water Conservation Law

Press Release
WASHINGTON - The House today is scheduled to pass the Great American Outdoors Act, which will permanently fund the Land and Water Conservation Fund—a move NRDC has long advocated. The Senate overwhelmingly passed a companion bill in June, and President…

Court Rejects Trump Administration Effort to Roll Back Methane Rule

Press Release
WASHINGTON - In a major victory in the fight to curb the oil and gas industry’s methane emissions, a federal court in California has rejected the Trump administration’s attempt to rescind the 2016 Methane Waste Prevention Rule, calling the agency…

Senate Funds Lands, Waters with Bipartisan Support

Press Release
WASHINGTON – The Senate is poised to pass the Great American Outdoors Act today, which will provide permanent funding for the Land and Water Conservation Fund, something NRDC has long called for. The House is expected to pass the measure…

Pipeline Backers Face More Obstacles Despite Court Win

Press Release
WASHINGTON –The U.S. Supreme Court issued a decision today with respect to management of the Appalachian Trail for a crossing of the Atlantic Coast Pipeline, but the fracked gas pipeline still faces many obstacles due to its threats to the…

EPA Slashes State and Tribal Clean Water Rights

Press Release
WASHINGTON – The Environmental Protection Agency issued a regulation today that undermines states’ and tribes’ authority to protect clean water within their borders, a change that would help fossil-fuel companies and developers to the detriment of the rest of us.

Coalition Sues to Stop Clean Water Rollbacks

Press Release
WASHINGTON – A coalition of environmental groups filed a lawsuit in federal court to block the Trump administration’s unlawful move to gut protections for many of America’s streams and wetlands.

L.A. City Council Members Aim to Prevent Amazon Deforestation

Press ReleaseCalifornia
LOS ANGELES – Los Angeles City Councilmembers Paul Koretz (5th District) and David Ryu (4th District) presented a motion today to put an end to City purchases of products derived from the deforestation of the Amazon Rainforest. The Councilmembers further…

Trump Administration Formalizes Plans to Degrade Utah Monuments

Press Release
WASHINGTON – The Bureau of Land Management today finalized its plans to open Bears Ears and Grand Staircase-Escalante National Monuments in Utah to drilling and other extractive activity. The Trump administration tried to gut these two monuments in December 2017.