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+86 10 5927 0688
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Viewing 81 - 100 of 404

NRDC Files Lawsuit to Protect Endangered Gray Wolf

Press Release
WASHINGTON – NRDC (Natural Resources Defense Council) filed a lawsuit in federal court against the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS) today, for its unlawful removal of gray wolves from the Endangered Species Act (ESA) list. The lawsuit asks the…

Groups Sue Trump Administration for Rollback of Bird Protections

Press ReleaseNew York
NEW YORK – To reinstate bedrock protections for more than 1,000 species of waterfowl, raptors and songbirds, NRDC and partners filed a lawsuit today in the Southern District of New York challenging the Trump administration’s radical reinterpretation of the Migratory…

EPA Finalizes Rule That Would Censor Science

Press Release
WASHINGTON – Bowing to the whims of coal barons, the nuclear industry, and chemical companies, the Trump administration is announcing a final rule today that would severely restrict the use of peer-reviewed science in setting pollution and toxic chemical limits.

Pinto Abalone Among 10 Species Threatened by Wildlife and Plant Trade

Press Release
WASHINGTON – Global trade in wildlife is a multi-billion-dollar industry and a major threat to species in the U.S. and worldwide, according to a report released today by the Endangered Species Coalition. The report, Trafficked: 10 Species Threatened by the…

NRDC CEO & President Gina McCarthy to Join Biden Administration

Press Release
NEW YORK – NRDC President & CEO Gina McCarthy has been hand-picked by President-elect Joe Biden to become the nation’s first-ever National Climate Advisor. This senior White House position, reporting directly to the president, will head the newly formed White…

Biden Picks Mark “Clear Return to U.S. Climate Leadership”

Press Release
WASHINGTON - President-Elect Joe Biden will name former Secretary of State John Kerry to oversee the administration’s international climate change policies; former Deputy Secretary of State Antony Blinken to become Secretary of State; and senior foreign service officer Linda Thomas-Greenfield…

Trump Targets Sage Grouse in Midnight Assault

Press Release
WASHINGTON – In another Trump administration attempt to exploit western lands for oil and gas exploration, the Bureau of Land Management today moved to undermine critical protections for the iconic greater sage grouse.

Trump Administration Guts Protections for National Forests

Press Release
WASHINGTON – The U.S. Forest Service issued a sweeping rollback of protections for our national forests today, its latest effort to weaken landmark rules established five decades ago under the National Environmental Policy Act.