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+86 10 5927 0688
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Viewing 121 - 140 of 361

Trump’s EPA Ignores Threat of Hazardous Spills

Press Release
The Environmental Protection Agency made clear today that it will continue ignoring its responsibility to curtail chemical spills from industrial facilities, a decision that is in blatant disregard of the Clean Water Act and a settlement the agency agreed to…

EPA Moves to Block States, Tribes from Protecting Waterways

Press Release
WASHINGTON - The Environmental Protection Agency issued a proposed rule today to strip a powerful tool under the Clean Water Act states and tribes have used to prevent federally permitted projects from harming their waterways.

Protecting Lands is Urgent Step in Climate Action

Press Release
WASHINGTON - A Special Report on Lands and Climate Change released today by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) underscores both the fierce urgency to take action and the opportunities ahead when it comes to land-use decisions.

Trump’s Dirty Power Plan Will Aggravate the Climate Crisis

Press Release
WASHINGTON - The Trump Administration’s plan purporting to deal with climate change, finalized today by the Environmental Protection Agency, is a Trojan Horse that would seriously set back the nation’s fight to avert a planetary disaster.

NRDC on WaterFix Announcement: “Successful End of Fight”

Press ReleaseCalifornia
Sacramento, CA– The State of California announced the withdrawal of permits and applications for the California WaterFix Project, the proposal to construct two massive tunnels under the Delta that would cost tens of billions of dollars and divert even more…

Trump Tramples States’ Ability to Protect Their Water

Press Release
President Donald Trump announced today that his administration would short-circuit the ability of states to weigh the risks—and curb the impacts—of projects like pipelines and dams to the lakes, rivers, streams and wetlands within their borders.

Federal Court Directs EPA to Uphold Clean Water Act in Baltimore

Press Release
WASHINGTON – A federal judge in Maryland has ruled that the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) violated the Clean Water Act by wrongfully denying a petition by the Natural Resources Defense Council (NRDC), Blue Water Baltimore, and American Rivers to…

New Meal Prep Tool Helps Users Save Food, Money, Environment

Press Release
NEW YORK, NY (March 6, 2019) – The Save The Food campaign today released a new, free digital tool that offers a different take on meal-prepping—helping users not only eat healthy, but save food, money and the environment in the…

Wheeler’s Record on Protecting Public Health Is Abysmal

Press Release
The Senate today is moving to confirm former coal lobbyist Andrew Wheeler to be administrator of the Environmental Protection Agency, replacing Scott Pruitt who resigned last year under a cloud of ethics breaches.