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+86 10 5927 0688
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Viewing 81 - 100 of 334

NRDC Sues EPA For Failing to Protect Public from Deadly Soot

Press Release
WASHINGTON – NRDC (Natural Resources Defense Council) today sued the Trump Environmental Protection Agency to block a final rule that left in place the current unprotective federal limits on soot pollution and leaves thousands of people vulnerable to air pollution…

EPA’s Gift to Polluters will Fuel Climate Crisis and Harm Health

Press Release
WASHINGTON – In the last days of the Trump administration, the Environmental Protection Agency is expected to issue a rule today seeking to exempt some of the nation’s biggest polluters—including producers of oil and gas, chemicals, cement, steel and aluminum—from…

EPA Finalizes Rule That Would Censor Science

Press Release
WASHINGTON – Bowing to the whims of coal barons, the nuclear industry, and chemical companies, the Trump administration is announcing a final rule today that would severely restrict the use of peer-reviewed science in setting pollution and toxic chemical limits.

Trump Administration Guts Protections for National Forests

Press Release
WASHINGTON – The U.S. Forest Service issued a sweeping rollback of protections for our national forests today, its latest effort to weaken landmark rules established five decades ago under the National Environmental Policy Act.

NRC Moves to Issue Weak Uranium Mining Rules

Press Release
WASHINGTON – The Nuclear Regulatory Commission took action yesterday to start work on a rulemaking that could prevent a future Environmental Protection Agency from ending the wanton contamination of groundwater across the Mountain West generated by uranium mining.

NRDC Mourns the Passing of Cecil Corbin-Mark

Press Release
NEW YORK – The passing of Cecil Corbin-Mark, environmental justice advocate and Deputy Director and Director of Policy Initiatives at WE ACT for Environmental Justice, is a huge loss for New York and the environmental movement.

EPA Rollback Boosts Toxic Air Pollution and Health Risks Including Cancer

Press Release
WASHINGTON – The Environmental Protection Agency is finalizing an environmental rollback that ends enforcement of a longstanding “once in, always in” toxic air pollution policy, which required industrial facilities to implement major pollution control measures as long as the plant…

Trump Prioritizes Dirty Mining Under False Pretext

Press Release
WASHINGTON – The Trump administration issued an executive order to fast-track dirty mining projects – projects that pose enormous risks to critical water resources, pristine public lands, and communities around our nation. While it offered the pretext of national security…

Advocates Demand Regulation of Toxic Neonic-Treated Seeds

Press ReleaseCalifornia
SACRAMENTO - A group of health and environmental organizations filed a legal petition today, calling upon the California Department of Pesticide Regulation to regulate the planting of crop seeds coated with neurotoxic neonicotinoid insecticides (neonics) and close a loophole that…

NAFTA Study Confirms Canadian Tar Sands Pollution; Should Trigger Enforcement

Press Release
WASHINGTON – A new review by the North American Free Trade Agreement’s (NAFTA) Commission for Environmental Cooperation (CEC) concluded in an assessment released this week cites “scientifically valid evidence” that toxic pollution from tailing ponds operated by tar sands oil…

EPA’s Policy of Ignoring Pollution Comes to an End

Press Release
WASHINGTON – Today marks the end of an Environmental Protection Agency non-enforcement policy that gave industries permission to stop monitoring and reporting pollution for reasons related to COVID-19—with no requirement to notify EPA or the public. This unnecessary policy put…

In Major Reversal, Trump Administration Stalls Pebble Mine

Press Release
WASHINGTON – The Army Corps of Engineers today said the Pebble Mine project in Bristol Bay, Alaska, would inflict “unavoidable adverse impacts” and lead to “significant degradation” to water and marine life. The agency gave its backers 90 days to…

EPA Gives Uranium Miners Free Pass to Pollute

Press Release
WASHINGTON – The Environmental Protection Agency signed away its authority to regulate water pollution from uranium mining today, providing a gift to the destructive and unregulated industry at the cost of water quality across the Mountain West.