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+86 10 5927 0688
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Viewing 141 - 160 of 239

Carp CRAP! - Asian Carp Found Beyond Last Line of Defense Near Great Lakes

Press ReleaseChicago
CHICAGO – Reports of an Asian carp caught today in the Chicago Area Waterways beyond the electric barrier—the last line of defense to prevent the invasive fishes from gaining access to Lake Michigan—illustrate the dangers of continued inaction, according to…

Too Soon to Declare Victory for Yellowstone Grizzly Bears

Press Release
WASHINGTON – The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service removed Endangered Species Act protections for the Yellowstone population of grizzly bears today, according to multiple news reports, creating new risks for the still-threatened bears.

China Promises to Ban Ivory Trade by December 31, 2017

Press Release
BEIJING — In the most important step yet to ending the global ivory trade, the Chinese government today announced a one-year timeline for its promised ivory ban. According to the notice, China will begin phasing out registered legal ivory processors…

U.S Instrumental in Protecting Antarctic Waters

Press Release
WASHINGTON – An international Antarctic commission has agreed to declare 1.1 million square kilometers of the Ross Sea in the Southern Ocean as a fully protected marine reserve. The move to conserve the area comes after extensive international negotiation. It…

World Leaders Vote to Close Domestic Ivory Markets

Press Release
JOHANNESBURG, SOUTH AFRICA — In an effort to curb the slaughter of African elephants, parties to the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species (CITES) today recommended that countries with domestic ivory markets that contribute to elephant poaching or the…

CITES Members Vote to Protect Pangolin

Press Release
JOHANNESBURG, SOUTH AFRICA — Countries have united to ban the international commercial trade in pangolins—the world’s most-trafficked mammal. Parties to the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species (CITES) approved the strictest protections available under international law for all eight…

Rusty Patched Bumble Bee Proposed for Endangered Species Listing

Press ReleaseChicago
CHICAGO – The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (FWS) proposed to list the rusty patched bumble bee as an endangered species today. The once widely-distributed insect species has been eliminated from over 80 percent of its historic range.

Motion to Protect Pangolins Passes IUCN World Conservation Congress

Press Release
HONOLULU, HAWAII – The IUCN World Conservation Congress, the world’s largest gathering of conservation leaders, has passed a motion outlining a path to broader protections for all eight pangolin species. Its adoption through the first-ever online voting process of IUCN…

Global Congress Endorses Protection of Bristol Bay, Condemns Pebble Mine

Press Release
HONOLULU — Native Alaskans, fishermen, conservationists and coalition partners today successfully took their battle against the proposed Pebble Mine to the World Conservation Congress in Hawaii, securing overwhelming approval of a motion urging protection of Bristol Bay from the proposed…