California Governor Signs Historic Clean Energy Legislation

SACRAMENTO (October 7, 2015) – California Governor Jerry Brown today signed a landmark law cementing California’s climate leadership into the next decade. Senate Bill 350 (de León and Leno) sets the most aggressive combined clean energy targets in the world.

SB 350 puts California on course to generate at least half of its electricity from clean, renewable resources and double energy efficiency gains throughout the economy within the next 15 years. Together, those measures will slash carbon pollution in the power sector nearly 40 percent below 2020 forecast levels, equivalent to avoiding the annual carbon pollution from more than 6 million cars. 

The bill also directs the electric industry to deploy charging stations needed to place a million electric vehicles on California's roads in less than 10 years and cut carbon pollution 80 percent below 1990 levels by 2050. 

Following is a statement from Ann Notthoff, Natural Resources Defense Council California Director:

“California has taken its climate and clean energy leadership to new heights. No state has ever set such aggressive clean energy goals as California is doing now. With Governor Brown’s signature on SB 350, California is once again showing the world what can and should be done to fight climate change.

“But our work is not done. Reaching the targets established in law today will require a heavy dose of California's innovative spirit and grit, and we must ensure all polluters are held accountable as we continue to make progress.” 


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