California Pushes Forward Historic Clean Energy Legislation

SAN FRANCISCO (September 11, 2015) – In the key vote, the California Assembly tonight approved Senate Bill 350 (De León and Leno) with a bipartisan vote that sets the most aggressive combined clean energy targets in the world. The bill is now awaiting concurrence in the Senate where it is expected to pass.

SB 350 sets California on course to generate at least half of its electricity from clean, renewable resources and double energy efficiency gains within the next 15 years. Together, these measures will slash carbon pollution in the power sector nearly 40 percent below 2020 forecast levels, equivalent to avoiding the annual carbon pollution from more than 6 million cars.

“California has yet again raised the bar on clean energy,” said Alex Jackson, the Natural Resources Defense Council’s legal director of the California Climate Project.

“In the run-up to the Paris climate talks, California’s leadership is showing the world that the fight against climate change can – and must – be won,” said Ann Notthoff, California Advocacy Director.

A companion bill (SB 32, Pavley) will become a two-year bill taken up when lawmakers return to the Capitol next year. SB 32 would codify Governor Brown’s executive order to further reduce California’s carbon emissions to 40 percent below 1990 levels by 2030.

“California has made tremendous strides in cutting carbon emissions, but global warming isn’t slowing down and neither should we,” Jackson said. “We look forward to working with lawmakers next session to affirm California’s long-term climate commitments.”



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