Despite Kasich Vow to Veto Extending the Clean Energy Freeze Legislature Considers Keeping Ohio on Ice

CHICAGO, IL – Ohio’s House and Senate are scheduled to hold hearings on legislation that would extend the state’s freeze on renewable energy and energy efficiency today. Senator Bill Seitz is proposing to extend the freeze another three years (SB 320); Representative Ron Amstutz is seeking an indefinite freeze (HB 554), which amounts to a complete repeal of Ohio’s clean energy policy. Governor Kasich has stated extending the freeze is “unacceptable,” as it would be “kicking the can down the road.”

Following is a reaction from Samantha Williams, Staff Attorney with the Natural Resources Defense Council:

“Let’s be clear: legislation to extend the clean energy freeze in Ohio is dead on arrival. Governor Kasich has been unequivocal that any extension of the freeze is just ‘kicking the can down the road’ and will be vetoed. Why are we wasting time discussing these bills that have no chance of being signed into law? The legislature should quit stalling and get to work developing a pathway for Ohio’s energy future that takes advantage of our potential to grow jobs, lower utility bills and improve our environment. It’s time now to focus on regaining the economic footing and clean energy potential Ohio has lost during the current two-year freeze.”


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