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Viewing 1 - 13 of 13

Urge Congress to protect the Blake Plateau!

PetitionFlorida, North Carolina, South Carolina, Georgia
Home to the world’s largest deep-sea coral reef habitat and a wide swath of ocean life, the Blake Plateau must be permanently protected before industries like oil, gas, and minerals mining can destroy it.

Protect the critically endangered North Atlantic right whale!

PetitionUnited States
North Atlantic right whales are on the brink of extinction. Only about 350 remain, and the population is declining rapidly due to entanglements in fishing gear and vessel strikes. Urge NOAA and BOEM to fully fund a new strategy to…

Tell the EPA to ban toxic neonics and save our food supply

PetitionUnited States
Bees and other pollinators are dying at an alarming rate from toxic pesticides called neonics. Fewer bees means less food, and that could lead to increasing food costs, reduced access to healthier foods, and food scarcity.

Tell Procter & Gamble to clean up its mess!

PetitionUnited States, Canada
Widespread industrial logging for forest products like P&G’s Charmin toilet paper is destroying more than one million acres of the boreal each year. We can push P&G to adopt stringent, climate-friendlier standards for their tissue products.

Fight climate change, save America’s mature forests!

PetitionUnited States
Forests—especially America's mature and old-growth forests—are natural climate solutions. But those on federal lands are threatened by ongoing logging, which means much of their stored carbon is rapidly released. Urge President Biden to create strong, lasting regulatory protections for mature…

Tell BOEM to sop selling off our oceans to the oil and gas industry!

Lease Sale 258 will open up nearly a million acres for oil and gas development in Alaska's Cook Inlet—putting protected species—like the Cook Inlet beluga whale—valuable commercial fisheries, and residents of the areas around Alaska's Cook Inlet in danger. BOEM…

Save the Food

How-ToUnited States
Forty percent of food in America is wasted. By making smart decisions about using, storing, and buying food, you can help save money, water, fuel, and the environment.

No more fossil fuel industry handouts!

PetitionAlaska, United States
Under pressure by Big Oil and their polluter allies, the Interior Department is moving ahead to auction off more of our public lands and oceans to the fossil fuel industry.