National Aquarium to Screen New Film and Host Discussion of Maryland's Ocean Future


This Thursday, NRDC and the National Aquarium are hosting a free showing of a new ocean planning documentary. “Ocean Frontiers II: A New England Story for Sustaining the Sea” tells the story of how “a region steeped in old maritime tradition” is facing “a modern wave” of larger ships, new offshore energy industries, and climate change, and how residents are coming together to plan for a healthy ocean off their coast. The film will be followed by a panel discussion with state and regional ocean experts to discuss what ocean planning work is happening in Maryland, and throughout the Mid-Atlantic.

This new effort that taking hold all along the Atlantic – called coordinated ocean planning – brings together all of us who use and love the ocean to help develop a plan for the ocean’s future use and protection, so that we can count on a healthy ocean for our children, grandchildren, and generations to come.  

The watery landscape just off our shores supports a diverse array of marine life and a thriving ocean economy. Here in the Mid-Atlantic, our ocean resources contribute more than $47 billion to the region’s gross domestic product and hundreds of thousands of jobs, with the tourism and recreation sector representing almost three-quarters of these.

The film screening comes only a few days before the Mid-Atlantic’s first listening session in Annapolis, Maryland to solicit feedback on the Mid-Atlantic Regional Planning Body’s draft vision statement, principles, goals, objectives and an initial geographic focus for this region’s efforts to develop a coordinated ocean plan. We need to encourage this coordinated ocean planning and help identify areas of the sea that are appropriate for different uses and those that need protection.

Please RSVP to attend the Maryland event at And then attend one of the Annapolis listening sessions on February 24 at 1:00 – 3:30 p.m. or at 5:00 – 7:30 p.m. at the Marriott Waterfront at 80 Compromise Street, to let the Mid-Atlantic Regional Planning Body know that you want them to develop an ocean plan that prioritizes a healthy Mid-Atlantic ocean and coasts so that they can continue to provide the food, jobs and recreation we want and need. You can also email comments to until April 15.