New poll finds overwhelming bi-partisan support for protecting water, land, and wildlife

A new poll commissioned by Colorado College surveyed voters in five western states from all sides of the political spectrum. Among its findings:

  • A strong majority (77 percent) believe that “we can protect land and water and have a strong economy with good jobs at the same time, without having to choose one over the other.”
  • Two-thirds believe the current laws protecting land, air and water should be strengthened, or at least better enforced (66%).
  • A majority (54%) say they would be willing to pay at least ten dollars more per month to increase the use of renewable energy in generating electricity in their state. Fully 88% indicate a willingness to pay something more each month for this purpose.
  • Most (87%) feel it is extremely or very important to having clean water, clean air, natural areas and wildlife as a fundamental ingredient in the good quality of life in their state.

Breathing clean air, drinking clean water, and conserving land and wildlife habitat are things that all Americans continue to prize, regardless of political party. Unfortunately, that fact is being ignored by many politicians in Washington, D.C. who are working hard to remove environmental protections that have enjoyed broad support for generations. We are fortunate to have such strong environmental protections, and this poll makes it abundantly clear that Americans of all political stripes want them to stay strong.