President-elect Obama on oil and gas, health and science

As a non-partisan organization, NRDC does not endorse candidates, but now that Barack Obama has been declared the winner of the presidential election, we can begin to look at the environmental implications of the voters' decisions.

Last week, Senator Obama was interviewed by a Colorado newspaper about energy issues in the Rocky Mountain region. I encourage anyone interested in these issues to read the article.  He discusses his concerns about the lack of balance in the Bush administration's efforts to promote "unbridled development," the critical need to develop collaborative solutions with a wide range of stakeholders, including conservationists, local communities, ranchers, sportsmen and business, and the importance of sustainable management to preserve our natural resources for future generations.

On the topic of human health impacts of oil and gas production, Senator Obama discussed the importance of open and honest science and stated that, "....the health of surrounding communities is absolutely vital, it is absolutely critical."  Regarding oil shale development, he said more research is needed. 

Senator Obama's concerns echo those of many residents of the Rocky Mountain region who experience first-hand the impacts of the Bush administration's agressive energy agenda -- an agenda that NRDC and many other organizations have been fighting for almost eight years now.

I am really looking forward to working with a new administration in Washington to restore balance to the management of our public lands, ensure that respect of science is a guiding principle, and take a hard look at the environmental impacts of oil and gas development and the new policies that are essential and the technologies that are readily available to protect human health, clean air, clean water, wildlife habitat, and our disappearing wildlands.