Take action to protect drinking water aquifers across the country from the risks of hydraulic fracturing

I've written before about hydraulic fracturing--an oil and gas production technique that involves the injection of fluids, often containing toxic chemicals, into oil or gas wells at very high pressure. Although the Safe Drinking Water Act regulates most forms of underground injection in order to protect drinking water sources, in 2005 Congress passed the "Halliburton Loophole," which exempts hydraulic fracturing from the law's reach (the exemption was given that name because Halliburton is one of the companies that provide hydraulic fracturing services). Since the exemption was enacted, hydraulic fracturing operations have been linked to contaminated drinking water in communities around the country.

Natural gas may be an important part of our energy portfolio, but the right balance needs to be established between oil and gas development and protection of our precious natural resources, including clean air and clean water. Every American deserves clean drinking water.

Legislation to repeal the exemption was recently introduced in both the House and Senate. This legislation is simple, flexible, and reasonable. Among other things, the legislation would require public disclosure of the chemicals used in hydraulic fracturing fluids. NRDC has made it easy for you to send a message urging your senators and representative to co-sponsor the legislation to repeal the Halliburton Loophole (H.R. 2766/S. 1215). You can take action by clicking on this link to NRDC's website: Take Action to protect drinking water.