Wildlife Roundup: The Good News, October 2011

Happy Halloween everyone!  Wildlife conservation activists know, however, that the world is usually scary enough for the endangered animals and plants.  So here is some good news from October:

  • Despite ongoing controversy over wolf control actions in Oregon, a new wolf pack has formed near the Snake River.  The new pack is in Wallowa County and consists of five members, including at least one pup.  That brings the total number of wolf packs in Oregon to four and the State's total wolf population to twenty-three.
  • Speaking of wolves, Mexico has followed-through on its plan, which we reported last month, to release wolves in the Sierra San Luis Mountains.  Five wolves, three females and two males, were released in the Mountains near the New Mexico boarder.  Let's wish them luck.
  • After a decade of clean-up efforts, the Environmental Protection Agency has officially declared its work to remediate the Ocoee River, which suffered from decades of pollution from one of the largest Copper mines in the world, to be at an end.  The river's recovery has been already led to the return of fish and native vegetation to the once lifeless stream.  (Hat Tip: Environmental Law Professors Blog )
  • Well, it wouldn't be Halloween if we didn't include a bat story and, although the situation for U.S. bat populations remains grim, there is good news for bats in the United Kingdom.  According to the group British Waterways, an annual survey of wildlife along the UK's canals and rivers, have shown that bat populations have increased about nine percent from last year.
  • Good news for the Boney tail chub, as state biologists recently released the fish into the Upper Colorado River.  The fish were reintroduced by the Colorado Department of Parks and Wildlife as part of an effort to restore native endangered species to Colorado River.  You can check out a cool video of the release here.
  • There are no more than 400 Sumatran tigers left in the wild, so it was great to hear that a tiger mom at Medan Zoo on the Indonesian island of Sumatra recently gave birth to healthy tiger triplets.  The birth of the triplets follows a successful birth of Sumatran tigers in the Atlanta zoo earlier this year.
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