American Business Overwhelmingly Supports Paris Agreement

Trump has promoted himself as a pro-growth president, yet an overwhelming majority of businesses support U.S. participation in the Paris Climate Agreement. In fact, at least 1,106 businesses are publicly on record supporting the Paris Climate Agreement.

According to reports, the Trump administration is expected to announce a decision as early as next week to possibly withdraw the U.S. from the Paris Climate Agreement.

Trump has promoted himself as a pro-growth president, declaring the U.S. is “open for business;” yet an overwhelming majority of businesses support U.S. participation in the Paris Climate Agreement. In fact, at least 1,106 businesses are publicly on record supporting the Paris Climate Agreement. Contrast this to the one coal company and one manufacturing association that oppose U.S. participation in the Paris agreement, and the side with the better business case is abundantly clear.

List of businesses that support or oppose the Paris Climate Agreement (scroll for more).


The businesses supporting the Paris Climate Agreement represent at least $3.6 trillion in annual revenues, and employ well over 8.3 million workers (data courtesy of Ceres). These businesses include 28 of the Fortune 100 companies, and 17 of the Fortune 50 companies — including Walmart, Exxon Mobil, Apple, and Berkshire Hathaway. And yesterday, General Electric CEO Jeff Immelt ​— number 11 on the Fortune list — said in an event at Georgetown University that “we are for staying in” the Paris Agreement.

American business leaders have spoken that the Paris Agreement is good for business. It remains to be seen whether President Trump himself will support the American business community, or whether he will stick a thumb in their collective eye.

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