E2 demonstrates the power of our emerging clean energy economy

Jobs announced in many states

Wanted to pass along a great new Environmental Entrepreneurs (E2) report on clean energy jobs.  They’re tracking clean energy job announcements, to correct any misperceptions about the strength and growth of the clean economy.  This report looks at the 118 announcements they’ve come across in the last weeks (from over 100 clean technology companies) and outlines a few trends.

Clean energy job announcements from just the last six weeks have occurred in more than 40 states:

The media is missing an exciting story of innovation in American solar manufacturing by spending all of its time focused only on Solyndra:

Innovative new solar news dwarfed by Solyndra

And that clean energy job growth is most definitely a bi-partisan story.


This report (hopefully the first of many) lays out a powerful and important story - we are already benefitting from new jobs, new technologies and new companies produced in our growing clean energy economy.  Maintaining that growth (in part through critical government programs), will allow us to continue to harness American ingenuity, and will ensure our private sector to take advantage of falling costs and breakthrough innovations to create a clean energy future with millions of new jobs, world-leading American companies, and a healthier environment.