Global Warming Debate At Santee Education Complex

Here's a quick note on a debate next week on global warming. 

Santee Education Complex in downtown Los Angeles is hosting a debate on Tuesday, March 17, 2009 at noon as part of The People Speak Global Debates, which challenge high school students from around the world to think critically about the world's most pressing issues.  This topic under debate is whether developed nations have a greater obligation to combat climate change than less developed nations, a topic of interest during the past few international climate summits. They're expecting around 900 people to attend and the debates will be videotaped and submitted to the United Nations Foundation. 

As a result of its participation in the 2009 Global Debates, Santee Education Complex is eligible to win an all expenses paid trip to the United Nations Foundation Youth Leadership Summit in July, 2009.  Last year, they won. The Youth Leadership Summit will bring together student activists to learn more about the issues, tour the United Nations headquarters, meet with UN officials and participate in skill-building workshops. 

Stop on by if you can.