L.A. Port Trucking Case Update

Here is a quick report on what happened today in the American Trucking Association vs. City of Los Angeles case.  Judge Snyder issued a 36 page tentative ruling this morning.  The "tentative" is to let the lawyers know how she is thinking on the issues.  My last post explaining the issues before the court is here.  

In the "tentative," Judge Snyder declined ATA's request to enjoin both the Port of L.A. and Port of Long Beach trucking concession plans.  Instead, she proposed to enjoin parts of both and let other parts continue to operate, all pending the scheduled December 15, 2009 trial in the case.  In short, Judge Snyder proposed to enjoin the Port of LA employee driver provision, the hiring preferences for former drivers, the financial capability requirement, the truck parking requirements and the charging of fees to apply for a concession agreement.  She proposed to leave intact the provisions having to do with licensed motor carriers, permitted trucks, driver compliance, truck maintenance, driver credentials, security, and maintenance and presentation of records of vehicle maintenance and safety inspections. 

Judge Snyder listed to argument from all parties and said she would try to get us a final decision this week.  Stay tuned.