Bipartisan Opposition to H.R. 1837 Continues to Grow

H.R. 1837, the so-called “San Joaquin Valley Water Reliability Act” sponsored by Congressmen Nunes, McCarthy and Denham, has met with strong and widespread opposition, including water agencies, Delta farmers, sport and commercial fishermen, conservation groups, state and federal elected officials, the press and the state of California and the federal Administration. Last week, Congressman Wally Herger (R - CA) announced his opposition to the bill, and this bipartisan opposition to H.R. 1837 continues to grow. 

Below are links to many of the letters, fact sheets, blogs, and testimony opposing HR 1837 (I'll update this blog post as opposition continues to pour in).  These documents provide numerous arguments against this bill which, in the words of one environmental coalition letter, “undermines environmental protections for salmon and other commercially-valuable species, preempts state law, interferes with state water rights, guts the 1992 Central Valley Project Improvement Act, and overturns the broadly supported and court approved settlement to restore the San Joaquin River.”

Congressional Opposition

State of California Opposition

U.S. Department of the Interior Opposition

Water District and Local Government Opposition

Tribal, Environmental, Fishing and Business Opposition

Editorials & Op-Eds


Fact Sheets

Updated List of Bill Opponents (as of July 15, 2011)