Voices of the Tongass

Today NRDC released the final video in our series capturing the stories of people who live in the Tongass.

There are many ways to describe the natural beauty, distinct history, and unique way of life of the Tongass.  But I can't express it better than does John Morris, a member of the Haida Nation. 

It was a privilege to hear him narrate the history of his people and to see first hand the beauty of the Tongass.   There are many reasons to protect the Tongass; economic, climate, recreation, wildlife.  But the simplest is the strongest.  It is the right thing to do, after having done so much wrong.

 If you haven't already, send a message to President Obama asking him to protect the Tongass by upholding the Roadless Rule there--and in all national forests across the country.  Let's make sure the Bush administration doesn't get the last word about logging the wildest pieces of this national treasure.