The Changing Threat to Water: Global Warming & World Water Day

“All regions of the world show an overall net negative impact of climate change on water resources and freshwater ecosystems.”

Today is World Water Day – a day established to recognize the importance of water to the nations and people of the world (for other posts from NRDC on this day click here).  Nearly one billion people around the world don't have clean drinking water and 2.6 billion still lack basic sanitation.  So the challenge confronting the world today is daunting and critical as clean water sustains life (and lack of water makes life difficult).  And it will be made worse, with the impacts on water projected under global warming.

Some signs of the water impacts from global warming are already occurring today in the US and around the world (as you can see in this great photo collection).  For example (a brief overview is available in the IPCC summary on page 27):

So if any of these potential impacts on water resources from global warming are of concern to you, then Water Day (or any day for that matter) is a good day to take some key steps to help avoid these stresses on water, including: