Must Watch NBC TV on climate change & extreme weather "This kind of thing didn't used to happen"

NBC Nightly News did a news story last night on climate change and extreme weather.  It includes a climate scientist saying that we are pumping the atmosphere on steroids, a Texas climatologist connecting climate change to what is happening in Texas, and a former climate skeptic saying that the existence of climate change is beyond dispute. This news segment follows from an extensively reviewed scientific report that says that more extreme weather is coming thanks to global warming and a new detailed study which reaffirms that global temperatures are indeed rising.

Here are some snippets from the news report [Joe Romm at Climate Progress has a good post on this as well with more info]:

Climate scientist (Dr. Gerry Meehl, National Center for Atmospheric Research): “We are already experiencing climate change…Greenhouse gases are the steroids of the climate system; they increase the chances of record breaking heat to occur compared to record breaking cold.”

Texas State Climatologist (John Nielsen-Gammon):  “This is really the first time when the impacts of climate change has manifested itself in a tangible way within the state of Texas.”

Former Climate Skeptic (Dr. Richard Muller):“The existence of global warming is, I think, pretty much beyond dispute now.  I think we have closed the last remaining questions on that.”

NBC correspondent (Anne Thompson): “Today no one can deny that extreme weather is here to stay.”

Watch the 2.5 minute news story:

We have a choice: pretend that extreme weather from global warming won't impact us OR act now.  Let's choose to act.