The Wall Street Journal Editorial Board Refuses to Back Up Its EPA Charges

In a post 10 days ago, I challenged the editorial board of the Wall Street Journal to back up charges accusing the Environmental Protection Agency of “rewriting environmental law with almost no scrutiny,” and of “re-regulating conventional air pollutants, often bypassing the usual notice and public comment.”

The board has failed to do so.

Unable or unwilling to anchor its charges in supportive facts, the board appears prepared to allow its credibility to sink amidst the fury of its tempestuous rhetoric.

EPA is adopting protective health and environmental standards by enforcing the successful Clean Air Act, with full involvement and opportunity for comment by the public.

The Wall Street Journal editorial board simply does not like the law or the need to reduce carbon pollution and conventional air pollution to protect public health.

So the next time the Journal's editorial board levels similar charges and wields anti-EPA rhetoric masquerading as fact, bear in mind its refusal to respond to a simple, public request to back up those claims.