Think Christmas is Tough? Try finding Green Gifts on Hanukkah!

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You think buying gifts for one night is difficult?

Try finding 8 gifts for each of the 8 nights of Hanukkah.

If you have two children, like I do, that’s 16, plus all of the other family gifts spread out over the week.

As they say in Yiddish -  “Oy Vez Mear” or, as defined by at least one online source, “Oh, woe is me.”

But don’t worry my fellow Jewish holiday shoppers and environmental activists.

NRDC has put together over 50 NRDC Green Gifts you can choose from.

To help you get started, some of my NRDC New York colleagues were kind enough to share some of their favorite Green Gift picks:

What the Frack? You knew that this gift would top our list, right?  We're fighting every day to make sure hydraulic fracturing doesn't ruin New York's water, farmland and communites.. Even my 11 year old would appreciate this (assuming he got some other cool stuff.)

BPA-Free Babies.  We’re fighting to protect kids from toxic BPA in baby bottles, sippy cups and other children’s items. Our own Senior Attorney Kate Sinding is a fan, both professionally and personally: “I'm a new Mom and attorney and know that toxics don't belong in our products, and definitely not in baby toys and baby bottles. Please join me in helping NRDC get toxics out of children's products -- and off store shelves -- once and for all.”

A Breath of Fresh Air. New Yorkers know how precious clean air is. But not all people in all communities have access to clean fresh air, and kids and the elderly are especially affected. We're fighting for them.

Love Our Lawyers. Someone on your gift list is a lawyer. Maybe your spouse. Maybe your mother. Maybe your son. (There’s a Jewish joke here, but I will let it pass.) Give them a gift of appreciation for their work and ours. Every day the amazing NRDC litigators are fighting the David vs. Goliath battles against pollution and winning landmark rulings that will protect polar bears, our kids' health and our environment.

So don’t make your Hanukkah this year an Eco-Shanda (that is shame, or scandal for you Yiddish novices)

Go View the full Green Gifts Collection here.

With over 50 gifts to choose from, you’re guaranteed to find the perfect present for everyone on your list.

And you’ll feel great you spent your Gelt (I’m not translating this one for you) wisely.