Fly a kite, support wind and tell the Koch brothers off

Apologies for the spam, but was wondering if anyone was interested in traveling to the Jersey Shore on Friday.

Around the world, a bunch of wind groups and companies are hosting “Global Wind Day” on Friday.  The Sierra Club is doing an event in New Jersey for families on the beach (Ocean City and Asbury Park), in support of offshore wind.  Kids flying kites for a rally, puppet shows, that sort of thing, starting at 12PM.  (information here)

Unfortunately, the New Jersey chapter of the Koch brother’s funded Americans For Prosperity (everyone’s favorite front group for hard core right wing fossil fuels) is now planning a COUNTER PROTEST at the beach, to go “toe to toe with environmental extremists” and released a statement to media that…needs to be seen to be believed…

“These European eco-zealots are penetrating our grammar schools with a bizarre program of indoctrination that includes forcing little children to color in propaganda style coloring books while being taught that the world will end if windmills don’t come to the rescue.  This is disturbing and really quite sick. What we are seeing is a bunch of very radical and extreme elements of the environmental movement attempting to brainwash kids and then use them as props and human shields in their quest to foist their European-style, anti-free-market, globalist 'green' agenda on the world. People, especially parents, need to be made aware of this and that’s exactly what AFP is going to do this Friday. We won’t be stopped by their efforts to intimidate and silence us"

Yes, they are busing in people to counter kids flying kites in support of wind energy. (see here) When AFP can release a statement like this and not be worried about being laughed at as xenophobic and wildly misinformed, you know we're at peak crazy (which by the way is a great hashtag for you twitter types).

You can reach the Jersey shore easily on NJ Transit out of Penn Station – talking the North Jersey Coast line to Long Branch, walk across the platform, and head down to Asbury Park (which, by the way, has a lovely boardwalk).  It’s a lovely ride through the best parts of New Jersey (yes, they exist).