NAM Quintuples Lobbying Budget for 3rd Quarter

The National Association of Manufacturers, another powerful association representing narrowly focused interests, ramped up its lobbying during the 3rd quarter by more than 500%.

NAM's lobbying expenditures went from $960,000 during the first quarter of 2009 to $1,050,000 for the second, then jumped to $5,750,000 for the third quarter, according to recently filed lobby disclosure act reports accessed through the US Senate Secretary's site.

NAM has been an ardent opponent of climate legislation, alienating some members including  Duke Energy which pulled out of NAM altogether this summer. NAM's recent economic "analysis" of the House-passed Waxman-Markey bill is full of holes as Grist reports and EDF makes clear.

NAM's economic analyses, conducted jointly with the American Council on Capital Formation, have been featured prominently by the US Chamber's "Climate Dialogues" held throughout the country, as I've noted before.