Right-Wing Climate Nuttiness Documented on YouTube

As I've previously blogged, the wing-nuts of the right have been throwing eggs at the climate bill. Then Soon-to-be-Former-Governor Sarah Palin remixed a number of tired talking points about the climate bill. The combination of which prompted an amusing little flash video "Losing it Over Climate Bill: America's Right-Wing Nuts".  

In about a minute it highlights the bizarre logic (a charitable usage), behavior and metaphors some of these same wing-nuts use when talking about climate. And it does so with citations. So if you find yourself wondering:

Then check out the video on YouTube or here:

Fortunately, another key item sourced in this YouTube video is also accurate - 78 percent of Americans support Congressional action on clean energy and climate issues.  The majority of Americans support action on energy and climate. For example, according to recent polling by the Mellman Group, Inc. and Public Opinion Strategies, a supermajority of voters (78%) wants the U.S. to reduce its emissions of carbon dioxide that cause global warming. What's more, support for action is intense, that 60% not only favor U.S. action but do so "strongly."  

So the question becomes very simple:  Who is Congress going to listen to - the right-wing nuts or the American people?