Blogging from California's Global Climate Summit

I'm writing from Governor Schwarznegger's Global Climate Summit in Beverly Hills, California.  It's 8 AM and the summit attendees are just arriving. High level government, private sector and NGO representatives are arriving from the U.S., China, Indonesia, and Brazil to participate in this two-day meeting.

I came down from our San Francisco office yesterday to participate in the meeting of the California Climate Action Registry (CCAR), of which I am a boardmember.   CCAR is a nonprofit organization that develops the rules for counting greenhouse gas emissions.  It's basically carbon accounting and while just the mention of the word "accounting" could drive off most readers, it is one of the essential building blocks to solving the climate crisis.  At yesterday's board meeting we adopted revised accounting protocols for landfill gas projects and got an update on the revisions to the forest protocols that are being developed. For more info check out the website:

The agenda for today's summit is packed, beginning with a welcome by Governor Schwarznegger and a surprise video address from President-elect Obama (you heard it here first!).  NRDC's Felicia Marcus will be participating in a panel discussion this afternoon on forestry and agriculture along with the Governor of Aceh, Indonesia and the Governors of Amapa, Amazonas and Para, Brazil.