Clean Energy Promises Abundant Opportunities for Job Growth and Farm Revenues in Arkansas — the 'Natural' State

AR Wind Potential Map

(From the new Arkansas Clean Energy Report, Figure 1: Mean wind density at 100 meters)

". . . Arkansas has the opportunity to build a strong long-term economy on the solid foundation of its bountiful renewable resources."

Today we released the third installment of our State Clean Energy Economy Issue Papers - Arkansas. The table below (Table ES1) summarizes the net positive job and economic impacts on top of carbon emission reductions that can be achieved by developing Arkansas' renewable energy potential.

Table ES 1: Overall Benefits of Renewables in AR

And if the future prospects of in-state jobs, local economic benefits and carbon emission reductions are not enough to propel you in supporting clean energy development, perhaps the costs of today's status quo - with an energy ‘current account' ratio (imports to exports) at an imbalance of 5:1 - will give you some pause:

Each year Arkansans spend a total of $10.1 billion on gasoline and other petroleum fuels, natural gas for heating, power, and industrial use, and coal for electricity production. That translates to more than $3,500 in energy costs for every person in Arkansas-and 78 percent of those Arkansas energy dollars (or nearly $8 billion) leave the state, never to return.

The bottom line is that developing Arkansas renewable energy and energy efficiency resources sustainably - protecting undisturbed land, conserving water, air, and wildlife and ecosystem services - can be done at a profit for farmers and local entrepreneurs today; ultimately benefitting future generations of Arkansans.