Show Your Love for Solar in a Really Big Way on the CBS Superscreen in New York's Times Square

Times Square CBS Superscreen

New York state lawmakers are considering new legislation called the New York Solar Jobs Act that would make New York the solar powerhouse it should be. Let’s give them a sign that the Empire State is ready to build that brighter energy future. And let’s make it a really big sign.

Help us light up Times Square with a sunny message in support of jumpstarting New York’s solar power industry. Two winners will have their photos displayed for all to see on the CBS Superscreen in Times Square. 


Whether it’s a family portrait in front of that PV system on your home on Long Island. Or getting cozy with some solar panels near the Brooklyn Bridge. Or snapping a new head shot in a green hardhat and sunglasses for your office in Buffalo . . . surely your boss will approve. Don’t be afraid to get creative – however you want to show your support for New York’s solar future, we want to see it in photo form.
Here’s how you can participate in The ‘Empire State Solar Generation’ Times Square Photo Contest:

  1. Submit your favorite “New York Loves Solar” photo in one of two ways: Upload it to Flickr and tag it “NYSolarJobsAct” OR post it to the New York Solar Jobs Act fan page on Facebook.
  2. Include a caption to tell us why you love solar and the name of your hometown in New York.
  3. Get it all in before the contest ends on June 6


NY SolarGeneration