Sparking Inspiration and Fueling Our Clean Tech Economy

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The Great Wall of Opportunity - The Solar Jobs Board at the Solar Power International Conference, Los Angeles, CA Oct 2010

Here is proof that the solar industry is delivering new job opportunities for our  beleagured? recovered? changing economy.  Solar is a core component of an emerging clean tech economy delivering new job opportunities today while sparking  inspiration in reclaiming the old American gusto of innovation and selfless determination for a better tomorrow.

A recent cross-sectional survey of U.S. solar industry companies showed that a majority of them expect to hire more employees in 2011 -adding up to a projected total of at least 20,000 new job opportunities.


Expected 2011 Hiring Activity for Solar Energy Firms - National Solar Jobs Census 2010

Meanwhile, the costs of solar energy continue their logarithmic decline - driven by economies of scale - and have dropped below the price tag for nukes


Solar PV Cost Declines 1980 to 2010 - A Business Plan for America's Energy Future

However, the continued success of the U.S. solar industry will require important federal and state action in the very near term.  First, at the federal level, a two-year extension of the Treasury Grant Program is needed to fill the credit shortfall that still remains after the financial meltdown in late 2008.  We need Congress to pass the necessary extension now.  Second, states now have an incredible opportunity to proactively move to the front of the pack and become manufacturing and deployment leaders for clean tech industries in their respective regions.   Let's get to work.