Rebecca Riley

Managing Director, Food & Agriculture, Nature

Rebecca Riley is the managing director for Food & Agriculture at NRDC. As the largest use of land globally, agriculture has an outsized impact on climate change, biodiversity, and human health, making it a critical part of NRDC’s work. The Food & Agriculture sector uses litigation, legislation, policy, and partnerships to tackle threats like degraded soil health, pesticide overuse, pollinator decline, and food waste. Previously, Riley established and directed NRDC’s work on pollinators and served as the legal director of NRDC’s Nature department, leveraging her long-standing expertise working on wildlife and endangered species issues, particularly around the Endangered Species Act. Before joining NRDC, Riley was a trial attorney with the U.S. Department of Justice in the Environment and Natural Resources Division and clerked for a federal judge on the Sixth Circuit Court of Appeals. Riley grew up in a Central Illinois farming community and is a graduate of the University of Toledo’s College of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences and Harvard Law School. She is based in Chicago.

This website provides general information, not legal advice. If you need legal help, please consult a lawyer in your state. Rebecca Riley does not hold themself out as a specialist in a particular area of law or law practice.

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