No Love for Upton: Music Video

That Fred Upton, he's a clean air "hater." 

That's right, I'm talking about U.S. Rep. Fred Upton (R-MI), the  chair of the House Energy & Commerce Committee, whose legislation to block the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency from updating Clean Air Act pollution standards is expected to be passed by his committee today. Then Upton's "bad air bill" will go to the full House of Representatives for a vote, likely before Easter.

Yesterday I blogged about my parody song -- Upton Bill -- which we released as a karaoke-style video set to the tune of Billy Joel's classic Uptown Girl.

Inspired by my penchant for parody and my disdain for Rep. Upton's health hazard wrapped in legislative language, my colleague Michael Davidson pulled some friends together to create another music video about the bill. I'm not into rap but Michael tells me the video is based on an Eminem song. It's definitely well-done and very clever -- and, boy, does it go after Upton's anti-EPA bill. That sounds good to me. Enjoy!