Obama Interior May Reverse Bush's 'Midnight' Regs

Here's some good news...

Today, U.S. Interior Secretary Ken Salazar said his agency will revisit the Bush administration's last-minute industry-friendly rule changes, including those paving the way for oil shale development in the Rockies and easing federal mining restrictions that served as the last line of protection in places like Appalachia.

Dow Jones reports that Salazar sees some of the so-called Midnight Rules as so bad that they warrant immediate review.

Take the rule change enacted last month, making it easier for companies that mine for coal buried under mountaintops to dump rock and sludge near rivers and streams -- a blatant going away gift for Big Coal.

Rolling back the stream buffer zone rule to facilitate more mountaintop removal was a dirty trick -- or rather a treat for dirty coal.  It's good that the Obama administration may soon be rolling back Bush's assualt on the environment.